Thursday, August 19, 2010

What is the best way to grow parsley and pepers? Looking to grow some small vegetables - seeking some advice.?

I grow them in containers. I use the bowl type for my herbs, parsley included. I find they like to be in the sun, but having them in containers makes it easy to move them as soon as I start to see them faltering, being eaten by bugs or snails or not getting enough water from the sprinkler system. I also use larger containers to grow red, yellow and green peppers. Really, any stalk type veggie plant will do well in containers. Tomato plants will need support as they get larger, either cages, stakes or I use the plastic type hard tack. A farmer friend of mine told me to watch out for a type of blight the tomatoes get and never to plant them in the same container two years in a row.

I tried to grow vine plants, like cucumbers, pumpkins, etc. but they are too hard to grow in containers.

However, in this heat (100 degrees) today, I am watering daily in the morning when it is cool. I also use a veggie safe insecticide and fungicide and a compost tea as fertilizer.

BTW, I also grow dwarf fruit trees in containers but have yet to get any lemons, limes or tangerines and they are in their second year. We had some strong winds and all of the blooms fell off. Maybe next year!

I don't grow anything by seed. I always buy already growing plants, that is because I'm an impatient gardener and like fast results.What is the best way to grow parsley and pepers? Looking to grow some small vegetables - seeking some advice.?
Doesn't a pepper plant need to be planted next to another pepper plant?What is the best way to grow parsley and pepers? Looking to grow some small vegetables - seeking some advice.?
Try half wine barrels. Drill holes in the bottom for drainage and set them up on some bricks or concrete blocks. Cover the bottom with screen wire cut to cover the holes. Fill with high-quality planting soil, some manure and some cottonseed meal (excellent all-round fertilizer for just about anything). Make sure the peppers get enough sun. The parsley will probably like partial shade. Other good barrel plants are lettuce (grow in mostly shade) and basil and mint.
I am growing all my veggies and herbs in pots...

(Carum petroselinum).鈥?Parsley is usually raised afresh from seed each year, as young plants provide the best-curled leaves. Any ordinary soil will suffice, and parsley can well be grown as a border edging round the vegetable garden or as edging in the herb garden. There is a common saying that ';Parsley goes to the devil before it comes up.'; In other words the seed takes a long time to germinate. To keep a supply all through the winter months it is necessary to lift a few of the youngest plants at the end of the summer, and pack them into the soil of the cold frame.

there's advice on how to grow nearly everything at the resource below
Containers. But make sure you get them large enough so that your plants will have enough room. Also be sure to start with good potting soil, don't buy the cheep stuff it just isn't worth the savings. Keep an eye on the moisture, they will dry out really quick in a container.
parsley is a biennial, the 2nd year will produce seed, also will 'bolt' if dry, so keep moist and in shade

last year I got 6 plants, the ones that grew best (2 ft high) were in shade most of the day, the ones in full sun stayed small

Peppers need lots of sun and warmth, unless in a southern area will need a green house,

the best small veg to grow now are raddish and lettuce, lots of varieties, some can grow well into Autumn


or find a good garden site for your area
Parsley can be easily grown from seed in a pot or in your garden. I would buy a pepper plant that is already grown a bit. I've only grown peppers in the garden, but I suppose you could try it in a container if you live in an apartment.

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