Sunday, August 22, 2010

Should i seek health advice?

About two hours ago i was climbing into the back of my friends pick up. he gunned it and was going about twenty five miles an hour. i fell out since i wasnt in the bed fully and landed right on my back and my head reverbrated againist the concrete. i almost immediatly got back up but couldnt breath at all and i thought that was curtains for me. about thirty seconds later i regained a bit of breath and could breathe barely. luckily my other friend jumped out of the pick up and came up to me, He being trained by his workplace how to deal with that sort of thing helped me . He looked at my back and it was swelled up. the swellings gone but there is a strong pain in my head. I think it may be a concussion. and yes i have a few ice packsShould i seek health advice?
Not a bad idea to see a Dr. If you don't want to do that, take advil (ibuprofen) as prescribed on bottle. Don't take more than it says, in case of concussion. You must have a Responsible adult with you at least for tonite.

See the following for some things to watch for.

Are head injuries serious?

They can be. Bleeding, tearing of tissues and brain swelling can occur when the brain moves inside the skull at the time of an impact. But most people recover from head injuries and have no lasting effects. See the box below for a list of types of head injuries.

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Types of head injuries

* A concussion is a jarring injury to the brain. A person who has a concussion usually, but not always, passes out for a short while. The person may feel dazed and may lose vision or balance for a while after the injury.

* A brain contusion is a bruise of the brain. This means there is some bleeding in the brain, causing swelling.

* A skull fracture is when the skull cracks. Sometimes the edges of broken skull bones cut into the brain and cause bleeding or other injury.

* A hematoma is bleeding in the brain that collects and clots, forming a bump. A hematoma may not be apparent for a day or even as long as several weeks. So it's important to tell your doctor if someone with a head injury feels or acts oddly. Watch out for headaches, listlessness, balance problems or throwing up.

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How can the doctor tell how bad the damage is?

The doctor will ask about how the injury occurred, about past medical problems, and about vomiting, seizures (fits) or problems breathing after an injury.

The injured person may need to stay in the hospital to be watched. Sometimes, tests such as a computerized tomography (CT) or a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan that take pictures of the brain are needed to find out more about possible damage.

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What happens after a head injury?

It's normal to have a headache and nausea, and feel dizzy right after a head injury. Other symptoms include ringing in the ears, neck pain, and feeling anxious, upset, irritable, depressed or tired.

The person who has had a head injury may also have problems concentrating, remembering things, putting thoughts together or doing more than one thing at a time.

These symptoms usually go away in a few weeks, but may go on for over a year if the injury was severe.

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Will the head injury cause permanent brain damage?

This depends on how bad the injury was and how much damage it did. Most head injuries don't cause permanent damage.

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What about memory loss?

It's common for someone who's had a head injury to forget the events right before, during and right after the accident. Memory of these events may never come back. Following recovery, the ability to learn and remember new things almost always returns.

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Is it true that the person must be kept awake after the injury?

No. If the doctor thinks the person needs to be watched this closely, he or she will probably put the person in the hospital.

Sometimes, doctors will send someone who has had a head injury home if the person with them is reliable enough to watch the injured person closely. In this case, the doctor may ask that the person be awakened frequently and asked questions such as ';what's your name?'; and ';where are you?'; to make sure everything is okay.

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Get help if you notice the following symptoms:

* Any symptom that is getting worse, such as headaches, nausea or sleepiness

* Nausea that doesn't go away

* Changes in behavior, such as irritability or confusion

* Dilated pupils (pupils that are bigger than normal) or pupils of different sizes

* Trouble walking or speaking

* Drainage of bloody or clear fluids from ears or nose

* Vomiting

* Seizures

* Weakness or numbness in the arms or legs

Just please make sure not to be alone, and good luck to you!Should i seek health advice?
Yes. You should probably go to the hospital if you think you had a concussion!

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