It could be that he has an inverted penis.It is there, it is just hiding behind the pubic bone and it will come out as he grows and goes though puberty.Speak to his pediatrician and he might have an answer for you.I think my newborn son may have an abnormality. Seeking advice or experiences?
You may want to look up Esipiadias(sp). Its a defect of the uretha and bladder. My son has hypospadias. That's the opposite of esipiadias. But I know a woman her son was just like yours and he had a missing penis. It was because his pee hole came out in his belly. You can go to this forum and ask questions...I am a member…
I hope its nothing tho. They Dr's really didn't tell you anything? That's really weird?
You can also go and see a pediatric urologist.
Did you get him circumcised? Well maybe he's just not going to be lucky in that area he'll be on the small side.
sounds normal to me. If there was something wrong the dr would have mentioned it before you left the hospital. There is a condition that the tendons around the penis are a little tight and it pulls the penis in (my husbnad was born with this problem) it dose not affect the penisis function. You can have a sugery done to losen the tendons, but it isn't nesasay.
If it is bothering you, ask your childs dr. I know these quesitons can be a little embarassing to ask, but that's what they are there for.
That does sound odd, but the doctor or a nurse would have said something if there was something terribly wrong. I would voice these concerns to your doctor nonetheless... if only to ease your mind about it!
It's nothing you did. It is definitely worth talking to your pediatrician about. It may be something that will correct itself in time as he goes through puberty or it may require some correction later. As long as he seems to be able to pee okay, he should be fine for now. That said, it is best to ask your son's doctor about it at your next appointment.
some baby boys like men come in differ sizes some large some small if the doctor didn't say anything then its nothing
just means hes got a small penis
my son has that problem with is testicles but just talk to your pediatrtion, im sure everything is fine.
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