Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Why do people have negative answers when someone is seeking out advice and/or help?

I've been reading a lot of questions and answers on here and I must say that people are rude when someone asks a general question. For example, I was reading a question from a woman who wanted to know if anyone knew any government grant sites because she is continuing her education and she is also a single mother. Someone answered her question and told her that she needed to go to community college and stop having babies. How outrageous is that? Why do people feel that they need to answer questions? Why the attitude, why be rude? I don't understand it. Now some people ask silly questions and stuff but that's beside the point. If you are going to be mean and rude, why even bother?Why do people have negative answers when someone is seeking out advice and/or help?
You sure hit that nail on the head. If you don't have something nice to say, don't say it. No one knows what's going on in someone else's life and a rude and unkind answer is uncalled for. I don't understand either, I see an awful lot of very judgmental answers and find them out of bounds.

On the other hand, reading answers that are compassionate and informative outway the inconsiderate ones.Why do people have negative answers when someone is seeking out advice and/or help?
Because their usually just ignorant knuckleheads that have no life other than that of idiot. The louder the voice the more ignorant the person is. Pay them no mind because it's just not worth it.
The web offers no accountability, hence, if a person just wants to be inconsiderate for the heck of it, they can. Also, many but not all of the answerers here are trolls--they just enjoy getting a rise out of anyone for the sheer heck of it because misery loves company. Same goes for those who rate answers negatively--I know I got a -10 for some of the answers that I contributed to Yahoo! Answers, and most of what I answered was not done in a negative or condescending manner. You can't stop folks from being rude and your best bet is to try to stay as diplomatic and as positive as you can.
Because they are more interested in espousing their opinion, not an answer. And people who do that normally have negative opinions because they lack the capacity to answer the question in the first place.

There is a well-known saying ';Experts have Opinions, but having an opinion does not make you an expert.';

Unfortunately the nature of Yahoo! Answers allows anyone with an opinion to espouse it and so they do...frequently.

Thanks for the question.

I think Yahoo Answers was a really great place to help others with questions. Unfortunately, as you have noticed some ruin it and there's nothing you really can do about it so I don't think Yahoo Answers is all that great anymore. I only answer the ones that I think are legitimate. Too bad there are some who aren't interested in helping people.
Because people are stupid. They think they are sooooo funny if they say stupid stuff like that. just ignore it.
I totally agree. People are comeing here for serious advice and getting bogus answers like that. It is not only rude, it obnoxious. I can completely understand where you are comeing from. I was on here and feel the same way when i read things like that. If you were being stupid on here you need to get off. People are not hear smart as# answers and they may actually need help. I am tired of this crap as well.
Some questions do invite a witty answer, but I agree some people are just downright rude, to serious questions. Guess that is how they get their kicks. They are lonely.
its a public anonymous forum so you have to sift thru th egood and the bad. Sometimes there is a grain of truth also in those that are being crude or mean.

Like going to community college and not having babies comment-could be said more politely like.... Check out all options..sometimes community college is a good deal fo r the money an d offers classes at night where you can work and go to school . Later you could transfer to a 4 yr college once you have accomplished the first degree of 2 yrs and the child is older

In the meantime check out what your goals are to balance career and family. Prioritize those goals and if career is very important, reflect on what size family you will have in the future in order to accomplish that goal and take care of your family. Decide how much time you will have for socializing and be realistic .If you are to study seriously and take care of kids you will need to eliminate some favorite activites and free time as well as sacrifice material goods and comforts.Separate wants from needs.

Involve the father and insist on support through coursts if needed.

Its all about priorities and choices. Kids have to take priority, no question, but you can still follow your dreams though perhaps not in as grand or fast way as you may have planned before kids.

Now see a rude person wouldnt have used all that slow and flowery language but has still given the point. So even those answers can have value as the perosn may listen to it and do some serious reflecting.

Just some thoughts
Well some are just silly, some are just down right mean, I'll say to care about another feeling as if they were your own, and that's what other people should think about before they answer anyone question.........
not everyone is negative.. probably a bulk are... then there are the questions being asked here that really belong being asked to a medical professional, and those get annoying..

easiest thing I've found is to ask real questions (unless in obvious fun) and give serious answers.. then read the answers you like, read that person's profile and get a feel for what they ask and how they answer to see how you'll take it.

this forum covers the globe, people from 7 to 70 (just using numbers) use this, so problems run the gamut
There are a lot of teenagers on this site that don't have the answer, but they're trying to get a laugh at other people's expense.
Some do it just trying to be ';cute';, and to get a buzz for themselves.

Some just for the points, so they say whatever.

Give them a hands down......!

I think some questions that are ';out there'; may be quite legitimate, because it takes all kinds......you've heard the expression about ';there being no stupid questions??';, well, this board may be an argument for that one.
well some people are idiots and bullies. theyve been brought up or influenced by similar people and find it ok
There are rude people in all walks of life, but more so online because people who'd never dare say such things in person do feel they can do so when sitting safe at home typing on a site where they're only known by a nickname.

Still it's better to ignore such people. Sometimes a person may just feel very strong about one specific topic, but most such rude people are just doing it to get a rise out of people. When you're asking questions like this, they love it! It's just what they want. Better to either ignore them or report them quietly, but don't ever address it and call even more attention to them, that only encourages them.
Dose this make it any different ?
because humans have fault and plenty..
Some people, sadly I include myself in this, have a very warped sense of humor.

I find it funny when I read something like that. Does the person who wrote that about the single mother actually believe that?

No. But it is funny to him/her... and myself (not proud of it but just being honest) It's entertainment.

What is good is that some people really do take the time to research the questions and give very informative answers. All you have to do is skip through the ones you don't like. It's that easy!
Honestly, im rude to dumb people who ask dumb questions like for example this one person asked if anyone believed in Bloody Mary. So I gave a stupid answer back, but I also see stupid people answering questions that honestly they have no idea what the person is asking! If you read a question and you have a smart a$$ remark to say, don鈥檛 say it at all!!!!
America has become a rude society. The world is in the age of Aquarius and it is cold, distant, like many of those people at times.

Many of the people on this forum do not understand that while some people wish to vent, others are really seeking help and rather than be helpful they just release their barrage of criticism.

It would help if the Yahoo! Answers did not give points for negative answers. You see, a person can answer negatively and still obtain the points that a good answer receives.

Yahoo! Answers is just like the folks out in the world you see today. You see them on the street, the restaurants, on call in shows (tv %26amp; radio). It is a whole group, or movement, of people who either don't have any problems or they have ';dickey doo'; problems, like the Brady Bunch and they can't understand that everyone is not perfect or without problems.

They criticize and they are able to look down on other people. It gives smug satisfaction.
i think that it's people who have nothing better to do wit their time. I'm sure there are alot of mature adults on here that just want insight from people who they don't know, which alot of times helps because our family and friends sometimes judge us. i think this is a great thing for mature people. those people who are going to be rude just need to find another hobby.
People do that because they don't know any better. They haven't been in the other person's shoes, and they haven't had the experience of ';really'; needing. So, just know that they know not what they do and don't let it bother you. People can't help themselves - we really can't.
Some people live to troll others.

They are looking to get a rise out of people.

Some people are simply negatively opinionated.

Some people are just jerks.

The reasons for people to do things like that can range from simple boredom, to a psychological need to belittle others in an attempt to feel better about oneself.

No single answer can really suffice for all of that sort of behavior.

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