I am employed by over a year by an international retail company. Since i began, i had no arguments or disagreement over my managers. While i was working last week, there was some sort of problem into what person should cover another person while he attended his lunch break, i disagreed to cover the fellow employee as i had many different tasks and role to complete by the end of the day. In my department, there are only 2 people including myself running the biggest department in the store whereas in another department, there were 5 people working. The question that i have is that why they keep constantly wanting me to cover the lunch break in which nobody else does. I am contantly forced to do this as these are no longer my intentions as i want my department to be the most organised. From the other department nobody is called to go on the checkout. I have found out that the employer is not following an Equal Opportunities Act inwhich i am given always doing this and others are not. The right that i also have is that i am given work overload, in which my department standards are not as best as they used to be. What other rights do i have into making sure that i am not always called to the tills and what action am i able to take, Please help.....really important, thanks..How can i seek help and advice urgently?
well you can talk to the other employees in that department and make a compromise and tell them about your situation...you guys could take turns covering..that would be fairHow can i seek help and advice urgently?
The Equal Opportunity Act says that you must have the same opportunities as you would have if you were another race, gender, etc. It does NOT prohibit employers make treating employees differently for any reason other than those specified in the law. While stupid, it is perfectly legal for an employer to select employees at random to be given more work than others.
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