A lot of the advice for people wanting to make friends in high school because they have no whatsoever or in the class, consist of just talking to people. I have found that people with at least one friend in the classroom don't like it when another person tries to make friends with them. They are nice to your face but laugh with each other about ';that kid that follows them around and always buts in';. I don't want people who just didnt have the oppurtunities to make friends early to risk being that annoying kid. What do you think? Accuracy of the advice given to people seeking friends in High School?
it probably depends on the people you are talking with. Not everyone is like that. People should try talking with others who have a similar appearance.. that is probably the way to start it off. It might sound kinda shallow, but its what usually happens. People who are into the same things tend to look alike in ways. or act alike. and if someone gets in with the wrong group and is called the ';loser dork follower'; they don't have to stay. They could go find another group. You just have to keep trying untill you find someone who you click with. if you dont try, you'll never know.
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