Thursday, August 19, 2010

Isn't Yahoo Answers supposed to be a place where you seek and give advice and opinions?

I started participating in yahoo answers because I thought it was a place where you could, on a small level, possibly make a difference in someones life by sharing your opinons or personal experiences, and also to learn from others experiences. I am very disappointed that it is really just a forum for someone who just wants to have some fun and not really give any real useful input...

like the one word answers or the sarcastic and or derrogatory comments. If anyone feels the same, could you please let me know?I realize that having fun is part of it also, but aren't we suppose to find informative answers to some of our questions? Like the ones perhaps that we feel uncomfortable asking someone we know?

Not speaking for myself because this is the first question I am asking.... but for those whose questions I have answered. Thank you in advance for sharing..Isn't Yahoo Answers supposed to be a place where you seek and give advice and opinions?
I totally agree with you. Unfortunately the community is just too large and stupid one word answers and smart answers will always be a problem on here. There is just no way to stop it. I don't even think that reporting people is worth it because they can just come right back on in a different user name. I'm glad there are people out there that do give honest answers and care about others questionsIsn't Yahoo Answers supposed to be a place where you seek and give advice and opinions?
Do you really think you are a good person?


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i feel the same sometimes it is for people to share past experience and advice. But some people abuse the power and are imature. i ussually give my opinion with evidence that supports it. I understand where you are coming from.
Welcome to the world we live in.. Yes, the intention was to share information in a positive and productive way. Of course, there are people that will abuse this. It is the world we live in. But here's a way you can solve it...

There's a button on the front of your computer tower. It should be bigger than the rest. Press and hold it down for about 5 seconds. Once it's done it's purpose, you shouldn't have to deal with any of these guys again. Well, until you choose to '; press the button ';.
The whole point of the site is what PEOPLE make it. You can't blame the website,
It is just that ! but people have way of ruining things . I understand what you are saying and agree with you . I am sick of ignorance and won't bother answering a question i know is made up BS . It's not like the points will buy you anything and these people act like the points what it is all it's about . DUH! Get a life ! Can u imagine if you could do something with the points ? We would have maniacs on our hands .( oh wait we already do ) DAMN I got to think about that more !
I totally agree with you, that's why I began as well. A problem seems to be there are lots of pre-teens and teens on here who are very immature - as well as a LOT of 20-something guys with very little to do in their lives, aside from being sarcastic, ignorant and demanding on here.

We have a lot of chaff to weed from the wheat.
ohhh get over it.. go masturbate r somethin.. it'll keep u happy..
Yes, I agree with you.I try to answer in a positive and honest manner and so do some other folks. Yet, we all know that there are many idiots out there using it just to add insult to injury. I find you have to develop a tougher skin and ignore the idiots. Keep up your good answers, let the bozos have their 2mins of fame. I have received some really good answers which has helped and than I have heard from the idiots.
I agree with you completely. This goes back to something I've been ranting about a lot (not in yahoo answers so much, but in real life) how if people could just be polite to each other and help each other out - we don't need to hurt each other in any way shape or form. If we can just be nice and friendly towards others the world would be a much happier place. I'm not saying you can't have fun, by all means do, just do it in a way that won't hurt anyone you know?
I give honest advise %26amp; opinions
There are some very thoughtful responses here. I think alot of it depends on the tone of the question that you ask. Sincerity seems to breed sincerity. I don't particularly care for the off color jokes and such, so I do my best to steer clear off them. Don't give up! There is support to be gleaned from this site! Good Luck.
I give honest answers and opinions too, because I want people to give me honest answers and opinions so I do the same and I hope to get the same in response.
As it is with all forums, everyone takes out it what they want. Their questions and answers reflect their personalities. Some are just brief because that person doesn't really know enough to explain. Others just answer ';yes'; or ';no'; because that is all that the asker wanted. One word answers are also the easy way of getting those two points for those of you out there who are only interested in getting to level 7.

A lot of the answers depend on the question. If the asker poses the question, ';Do you like the color blue?'; you can expect that at least 50 - 75% of the answers are going to be one word - yes or no. The question was not in depth.

The indepth questions are the ones that I usually respond to. I like it when they go all out with their details - ';Do you like the color blue, and state your reasons. If so, which shade? If not, what color do you like?';

A lot of people also base their answers and questions on opinions, and there are many different opinions in this world. The most controversial ones are the ones that stem directly from what is going on today in our world - mainly politics, goverment and social issues.

I hate it when I see a question that is asked for no other reason but to stir the waters by how controversial it is. I admit, I get sucked into it and will respond back.

The best thing that this community of Yahoo! answers can do when the silly or demeaning questions and answers are posted is to either ignore them or report them. The members are the ';eyes and ears'; of Yahoo! answers. The moderators can't be out there to read every single question that is posted. We have to do our part, also.
You'll get a feel for things as time goes on. You'll also become aware of why and what is out here.
Yes, I agree with you. Unfortunately there are some really immiture people on here. I usually get a mix of answers. Usually, there is at least one person like yourself who is trying to really help and give good advice or opinions. You just have to learn to ignore the other answers. I was extremely offended at first when I got them...but now I am used to it and it's easy to brush off.
Since most of the questions aren't seeking advice (they seem to be seeking funny answers), I think it's working just fine.You don't have to read the silly questions or the silly answers to them. Many of the serious questions have serious answers. But you have to admit the silly ones are way more entertaining that ones like this.
You want to talk about feeeelings now? Aww..
Yahoo Answers It is a place to ask a question. But in that same question not offer your own opinion and own advice. Kinda like you just did. It is completly different from a Forum and a Message Board. People want to ask the Person asking the question more questions. But we can't do that. We are here just to answer there questions. Where as the askee is to just ask a question and not offere any opinions/adivce. And that is how I read the Rules.
I agree with you totally. I find it incredibly disheartening to see people throwing around slurs and stereotypes, especially in the Women's Studies section and the GLBT section. Those forums exist for a reason, why do people continue to harass? I mean, isn't that the exact reason that those forums exist, anyway?

I do like Y!A but I think a downfall to it is that people seem to use the anonyminity to just say that stupidest and sometimes the most offensive sh'it.

Admittedly, though, some questions are just begging for a sarcastic answer...

A word on reporting, though, even though the person can come back as another name, it's still a hassle. It still tells the person that their behavior is unacceptable. I still report people and I also sometime get a sick pleasure from it. (I'm kidding). I realize that it's incredibly simple to come back as someone else, but also, is it really worth it after a few times? I'd like to think that, at least.
I think most people give honest answers. Many answers are simple or one word. And there will always be the derrogatory comments - that's human nature that will never change.

Plus there is the points element. Yahoo wants to reward people who answer well, but then they take away 10 points at the drop of a hat without rhyme or reason. After working on a question or answer, then losing 10 points or more without a clear violation, people get ticked and start one-word answers to make up the points. Yahoo is too overwhelmed to stop everyone.
As a questioner, I appreciate thoughtful answers. I resent one word answers just to get the 2pts. We are here for recreation and to learn a little along the way. Sometimes it's just hard.

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