Thursday, August 19, 2010

Why do we seek relationship advice from people more screwed up than ourselves?

I could understand coming here to ask relationship questions if those doing the answering were trained professionals with degrees in psychology and all that jazz, but we aren't. Now don't get me wrong, I'm sure that some of you have solid advice to give, but then there are others that shouldn't even be allowed to use a computer without supervision from a mental health professional giving advice too.

It's kinda like attempting to do brain surgery when you're really just the janitor at the think you know how to do it but you're not sure, so you ask your buddies...

(You) ';Hey Johnny, come here for a minute...hey, how do I remove this brain tumor thingy?';

(Johnny) ';Dude, just use that hacksaw over there and cut him open and pull it out, nothing to it';. offense but I think I'll seek my own council thanks :)Why do we seek relationship advice from people more screwed up than ourselves?
Now's not a time for me to be helping anyone...I'm looking for help myself. But I'm lucky....I have this great friend who's keeping me from going off the deep end. I think that's why most people ask their matter how silly, they want their spirits lifted and for others to take the time to just give a rat's behind about them. That's why I truly am lucky for that friend of mine who's keeping me in check. One day, I promise you....I will be ok. But thanks for all of your support when I need it most. You really are the best.Why do we seek relationship advice from people more screwed up than ourselves?
Hey its all harmless fun...
LMAO. My thoughts exactly. That's why you'll rarely ever see me asking for advice on here. My questions are more like surveys, to see who's done this or that and why, usually when I'm bored out of my skull.
you speak the truth o wise one!

personally, i don't know why anyone listens to me, i'm so f*cked up, i'm a shrinks dream!

i'm also full of sh!t, and honest! lol
I think most of the people come here for advice because maybe they have no one to talk to. It doesn't mean you have to take the advice, but out of 20 people who give it there might be a couple of good ideas.Also its entertaining to read what some people have to say. It's not like everyone one is the same with the same ideas. You might read something you may never have thought of.So with that said your hear for either advice, to give advice or for entertaining purposes like the rest of us.
To make us feel better about ourselves. It's sad that we develop pleasure from others' shortcomings.

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