if i up my 'making new friends'' attitude, would it help? I have been betrayed too many a time. thanksKindly advice me on how to tackle depression without having to seek medical attention.?
I suffer from depression, and i was very wary about going on medication.
What i started doing was looking in the mirror everyday and telling myself that things would get better and to say one positive thing i did each day. You cant focus on those people that hurt you in the past, you can only look forward. Not everyone out there is ready to screw you over. You need to keep yourself busy, if you shut off from everyone you will dig yourself into a deeper hole and it will be even harder to get out of, try doing new things? Joining clubs? There are loads of things to do, it would be better if you could meet people in your local area who suffer with depression aswell, then you could talk to people and share your problems, there are always loads of support groups available. Things will get better, you just need to get a P.M.A ( positive mental attitude ) If you keep being negative and not wanting to mix with others thats how things will stay, talk to people. Share and most of all be happy :)Kindly advice me on how to tackle depression without having to seek medical attention.?
Tickle yourself with a large feather duster!
theres a difference in depression and a bad case of meloncoloy(sp)..but real states of depression have to be properly diagnosed...it could be metabolic, or situational and it could be temporary..you need to take care of yourself so you need to treat this properly...just free advice...good luck.
yes, if u do it will make u feel more confedent, in turn no more depresion.
One sure fire way is to volunteer at a soup kitchen and then you will see just how fortunate you are. Helping others gives you a real satisfaction that you can't get in any other way. It gives you the kind of satisfaction that consumes your idle time to where you forget that you're depressed. Half of all depressions come from a feeling of hopelessness. Doing for others makes you realize that you are not hopeless but in fact full of hope. Now get out there and fill the world with your kindness ! Good Luck ! Ronnie
Hi, i would advise you on seeking a church and finding out about our creater God and how much love and care he has for you. Anything else is only temporary.
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