Wednesday, November 23, 2011

How do you stay clear headed when a friend or relative seeks advice from you on a hot or emotional issue?

All advice and insight is welcome.How do you stay clear headed when a friend or relative seeks advice from you on a hot or emotional issue?
How do you keep your head under ANY circumstance?

If someone trusts you enough to confide in you, you can listen quietly, let them have their say, and if they are asking your advice, tell them what you think about the situation, or talk it out with them. Simple. But remember, and tell them, that it's their choice not yours.

I feel honoured when my friends need my help. I choose independent people to hang with so it's a big deal if they ask me what they should do.

If it's of a delicate nature, something about intimacy physically, and it makes you uncomfortable, tell them you are not comfortable talking about this with them. They should respect that.

And don't hang around for them to go ahead anyway.

If you can handle it and listen without wanting to curl up and die, you can tell them what you think because they are asking.

Perhaps they have no one else to talk to about this issue.

It could be you are the only one they felt comfortable telling.

It could be a huge compliment. They think you can handle it.

So do I.

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